2025 MS Training Day Registration Page

Joel White St. Marks College WA
Joel White St. Marks College WAHead of Department
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"Thankyou! The kids had such fun and we ALL learned SO much from the facilitators."
Jocelyn James Covenant Christian School ACT
Jocelyn James Covenant Christian School ACTTeacher
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"A well-run and informative training day again, thank you. The students always gain so much from hearing about why ethics matters and how to argue well. Each presenter really takes the time to speak directly to the students at their level but also challenges them to go further and to think more deeply."
Janice Doiron Canadian International School Hong Kong
Janice Doiron Canadian International School Hong KongTeacher
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"I was part of the workshop today on zoom. It was a wonderful day, and our students are eager to move forward with becoming involved in the Ethics Olympiad".
Claire Low Inaburra College NSW
Claire Low Inaburra College NSWTeacher
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Thank you for organising an amazing training clinic. I am so appreciative of all the time and effort that must have gone into organising such a worthwhile event. I was a bit nervous about how my group would go, as we have just started a philosophy club at the school in April. However, they all loved the scope and opportunity for discussion, and are excited to join the competition (I just registered today!) I cannot wait until my senior group has their training day next year."
Craig Moss
Craig MossCo-ordinator of Gifted and Talented Emanual School 7-12 NSW
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Thanks, Matthew Wills and Ethics Olympiad for organising the Middle School Ethics Olympiad Training Day this week. It was incredibly helpful for the Emanuel School students as they prepare for the upcoming Olympiad in Term 4. The students really appreciated learning about ethical theories from experts and described it as a 'fun, interactive day.' It’s given us plenty to focus on in our weekly coaching sessions leading up to the big day!
Aaron Sloper
Aaron SloperGifted and Talented -Cannon Hill Anglican College Qld
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Outstanding experience for our Cannon Hill Anglican College students this week, thank you Matthew Wills and team!

2025 Training Clinic


(12-15 year old students)

August 18th, 20th, 21st or 22nd

Eth-letes and coaches

(Please register at the bottom of this page)

We will be running training clinics for coaches and students in the lead-up to the Middle School Ethics Olympiads. Previously these training clinics have provided participants with a great deal of confidence and practice in their preparations.

Please note these training days are not compulsory, but the training clinics are tailored to meet the needs of eth-letes (students), and coaches (teachers) as they prepare for an Ethics Olympiad.  Participants will explore the same ethical cases as will be used in the Olympiads with specialists in Philosophy and Ethics. The day will involve an intensive in-service via Zoom in Ethics as well as many useful tips for students and coaches. Participants will not only hear from an international panel of experts during the day but also have the opportunity to engage with the judges. 

Schools are invited to register students to participate in a training clinic. During the day coaches and eth-letes will observe others preparing for an Ethics Olympiad heat and be involved in practical activities designed to improve skills. We will explore ways to deal with the current case set.

Training Clinic dates for the Middle School student’s training clinic.
Please select one of the following dates/days. Each day caters for different time zones. The clinic starts at 9 am and finishes at 3 pm. (except in India where it will start at 6.30am finishing at 12.30pm, S.A. & N.T. where it will start at 8.30 am and finishes at 2.30 pm);

  • Mon 18th August- NSW, Qld, Tas, ACT, Vic, SA & NT schools
  • Wednesday 20th August- WA, India, HongKong & Singapore schools.
  • Thurs 21st August- NSW, Qld, Tas, ACT, Vic, SA & NT schools 
  • Friday 22nd August – New Zealand schools
*Please note that schools in the Eastern Australian states & SA can still participate on Wednesday or Friday, but the times will be 11am-7pm (2) or 7am-1pm (4). Schools in those regions can still register for those events. 

Program for the Training Clinic:

  • 9 am – 9.20 am Housekeeping – Matthew Wills
  • 9.20 am – 9.50 am Dr Andrew Cullison –  De Pauw University Cincinnati- How can I do well at an Ethics Olympiad?
  • 9.50 am – 10-10 am – What to expect at an Ethics Olympiad and how to do well- Archie Stapleton (Harvard)
  • 10.10 am -11.10 am – Exhibition Heat with commentary (Archie Stapleton & Jack Wells -New School of Social Research)
  • 11.10 am -11.35 am Morning Tea.
  • 11.35 am -12.15 pm -John Neil – Director of Innovation Ethics Centre- Sydney – Consequentialism. 
  • 12.15 pm -1 pm- Dr Rachel Robinson-Greene – Utah State University- Rules 
  •  1.00 pm – 1.25 pm Lunch 
  • 1.25-1.30 pm  Announcements
  • 1.30 pm – 3 pm Breakout rooms (2 sessions each running 45 minutes- Participants self-select)

-Room 1 -Case 1 – Lance McBride (NZ)

-Room 2 -Case 2 – Paff (NSW)

-Room 3 – Case 3-  Jack Wells (US)

-Room 4 -Case 4 – Dr Joe Naimo (WA)

-Room 5 -Case 5 – Archie Stapleton (US)

-Room 6 – Case 6 – Ghurleen Khandpur (India)

-Room 7 – Case 7 – Dr Daniel Burkett (US)

-Room 8 – Case 8 – Lauren Dixon (ACT)

3.00 pm Thank you and Farewell. 

Registration Fee

Once registered, we will send you an email confirming your registration and an invoice. The registration fee is $50-$55 (AUS) per student for this full-day in-service. Coaches can attend FOC if accompanied by four or more students. The entrance fee is smaller for member schools, and there is a reduced rate for early bird bookings. Schools can register 1-10 students for the training day.  Please book in now to avoid disappointment.


(Terms and Condition)

If you are a coach wanting to register on your own please leave 4 & 5 blank. If your team(s) are from multiple year levels please include all Year levels here.
Selected Value: 0
Please use the slider to indicate the number of students. Note there is a maximum of 10 students from each school. Coaches will need to register a minimum of 3 students in order to be eligible for a free coach's spot.
Please book in for one of these days. The days are divided into time zones.
(Please choose one of these options) Note if you want to register more than one coach without students please include name and contact details in the comments section.
Please provide a name & contact details for other colleagues attending from your school.